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[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]
Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....
Disk No: 2602
Disk Title: DAN (Data Analysis) 1 of 2 (#2603 also)
PC-SIG Version: S1.0
Program Title: DAN (Data Analysis)
Author Version: 3.21
Author Registration: $40.00
Special Requirements: 384K RAM and graphics card. A hard drive is recomm
DAN allows entire data files to be used as variables in formulas! What
an idea! You then can easily list, print, or plot the "manipulated" data
in a fraction of the time it would take by conventional means.
DAN comes with 21 sample algorithms ranging from the mundane (gas and
electric bill data) to the sophisticated (biorythms, 3-D equations, and
electrical filters). This is a top-flight, well documented package for
math students and teachers, engineers, and scientists. Combine math
operators, including log and trig functions, with constants and data
file names in algebraic expressions. Graphs can be plotted in linear,
log, or polar coordinates. A wide range of printers is supported.
1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.
║ <<<< PC-SIG Disk #2602 DAN (Data Analysis) >>>> ║
║ Disk 1 of 2 (also #2603) ║
║ ║
║ To print the documentation and installation instructions, type: ║
║ COPY READ.ME PRN (Enter) ║
║ ║
║ To view the instructions, type: TYPE READ.ME (press Enter) ║
║ ║
║ To print the registration form, type: COPY ORDER.FRM PRN (Enter) ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ (c) Copyright 1991, PC-SIG Inc. ║
Volume in drive A is #2602 S1.0
Directory of A:\
3D ALG 435 8-17-90 4:21p
BIORHYTH ALG 1457 7-28-90 2:42p
BOWL ALG 602 10-23-89 11:00p
CAR ALG 1976 8-12-90 6:20p
CAR DAT 6180 8-13-89 10:47a
CONNECT ALG 316 10-10-89 12:23a
COS_3X 10240 11-12-88 10:29p
DAN EXE 188685 8-14-90 8:53a
DATACQ ALG 1760 6-28-89 11:53p
DATAREC H 2061 2-06-89 1:59p
DIFFGRID ALG 1009 1-28-90 12:04a
EG&G DAT 2264 10-01-86 4:08p
EXERCISE ALG 1753 1-01-80 12:14a
EXERCISE DAT 2447 1-01-80 12:05a
FILTER ALG 614 8-20-90 8:14a
FIRR DAT 1091 8-10-87 1:26p
FOURIER ALG 3500 8-13-90 8:58a
FT DAT 341 1-28-90 1:39a
GREY ALG 410 8-26-87 10:25a
INSTALL BAT 707 7-01-90 12:57a
LISAJOU ALG 444 3-03-89 4:28p
MAKEDATA ALG 139 10-13-86 5:02p
NUMEG&G DAT 303 10-01-86 11:19a
OPERFFT ALG 530 3-09-88 11:33p
ORDER FRM 1003 8-26-90 4:58p
PG&E ALG 2497 5-09-90 9:03a
PG&E DAT 5912 8-09-90 8:26a
PLOTSPOT ALG 1000 1-04-88 3:47p
PLOTSTOK ALG 1313 8-12-90 6:25p
PLOTWT ALG 1133 8-12-90 6:26p
READ ME 21437 8-26-90 5:32p
SCATTER ALG 1258 5-26-89 8:23a
SCATTER1 DAT 357 5-26-89 8:21a
SCATTER2 DAT 400 8-26-87 10:54a
SINE_5X 10240 11-12-88 10:29p
STORDATA C 3224 8-26-90 4:39p
STORDATA OBJ 1134 8-26-90 4:39p
SUNSPOT DAT 5161 3-15-89 6:04p
VIBRATIO ALG 1073 2-09-89 7:56a
WEIGHT DAT 10223 8-18-90 9:48a
FILE2602 TXT 1925 6-06-91 2:28p
GO BAT 37 2-22-91 5:43p
GO TXT 1158 4-10-91 2:37a
43 file(s) 299749 bytes
38912 bytes free